The main function of “Aironic” is the normalization of the CO2 amount in the organism, which eliminates the main cause of arterial hypertension, which is one of the main causes of arrhythmia. Regular respiratory exercises with “Aironic” can prevent cardiac arrhythmia. In addition to that, the normalization of the CO2 amount in the arterial blood prevents alkalosis, which is a well known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and particularly arrhythmia. The use of “Aironic” normalizes breathing and eliminates shortness of breath and other breathing disorders, leading to acidosis. The innervation of the heart is provided by the parasympathetic nervous system, whereas breathing is controlled by several mechanisms. Even breathing can normalize the heart rhythm.
The disease is characterized by the hypertonicity of smooth muscles, which is often associated with the lack of a natural vasolidator - carbon dioxide. Respiratory exercises with “Aironic” increase the level of CO2 and dilate blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure. Another mechanism underlying hypertonicity is the excessive CO2 excretion. The normalization of carbon dioxide level ensures elimination of the spasm.
During the respiratory exercises, CO2 affects the vasomotor centre, which normalizes vascular lumen and regulates the arterial pressure. It is achieved through the involvement of specific receptors in the reticular formation and through the increase of hydrogen ions concentration affecting carotid receptors and other chemoreceptors.
1. Experiments conducted on an isolated heart demonstrated that hypercapnia increases coronary blood flow, while hypocapnia decreases it. 2. The importance of respiratory exercises can be illustrated on the example of collateral blood circulation. Regular use of “Aironic” promotes the formation of new blood vessels, which improves blood supply of the heart and activates metabolic processes. 3. Moderate hypercapnia increases both venous blood flow to the heart and systolic volume as a result of increased tone of veins and the skeleton muscles.
Respiratory exercises with “Aironic” improve blood supply in the brain and help to dilate cerebral vessels. We suppose that regular use of Aironic” stimulates the brain blood flow through the development of collaterals, which are of vital importance for the increase of the brain tolerance to the coronary artery disease. One of the mechanisms of raising brain tolerance to the coronary artery disease is the angiogenesis stimulation in the brain and the increase in the number of normally functioning microvessels through achieving moderate hypercapnia in the arterial blood. Regular exercises with “Aironic” improve blood supply and metabolism of the brain, significantly reducing the risk of a stroke and helping to restore the brain tissue.
Regular respiratory exercises with “Aironic” improve heart's blood supply through a relief of vascular spasm. It also promotes heart revascularization (the growth of collaterals for alternative blood supply), which is considered as adaptive process. The restoration of blood supply activates metabolic processes in the cardiac muscle and prevents recurrent heart attacks. The use of “Aironic” facilitates myocardial restoration, normalizes the peripheral blood flow, and lowers the pressure in the coronary arteries..

Long-time use of “Aironic” reduces hypertonia, improve heart's blood supply. Moderate hypercapnia promotes the dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin, which increases oxygen supply in all tissues, including the cardiac muscle tissue. This results in a decreased pressure in coronary arteries and improved myocardial function, which reduces the number of angina attacks.

Low venous tone causes blood congestion and impaired blood outflow from the tissues, which results in edema. Carbon dioxide normalizes venous tone, improves blood flow, thus reducing edema.

Moderate hypercapnia activates enzymatic reactions, which increases the production of ATP. As a result, the cells can receive more oxygen from the blood. In addition to the improvement of blood supply and brain metabolism, regular exercises with “Aironic” stimulate the development of collateral vessels (bypass vessels), which ensures positive effects for patients with migraine.

The improvement of blood flow after long-time exercising with “Aironic” eliminates the venous stasis in the lower extremities (varicose veins) and in the pelvic area (haemorrhoids). There are two main risk factors for hemorrhoids: constipation and sedentary lifestyle. “Aironic” improves gastrointestinal motility, normalizes stomach functions, and eliminates constipation. In addition to that, “Aironic” facilitates the metabolism and improves the biochemical characteristics of the arterial blood; therefore, it can be considered as an alternative to physical activity. “Aironic” ensures normal blood and oxygen supply to the cells and maintains the functions of the organism. Respiratory exercises help to prevent many diseases, including hemorrhoids.

Breathing exercises activate all nerve endings and receptors, normalizes the neurility. It helps to restore the central nervous system. Besides, “Aironic” ensures relaxation of the organism.

The increased concentration of carbon dioxide reduces the excitability of the nervous system. In other conditions it can promote the arousal reactions. Moreover, sporadical increases of CO2 concentration help to eliminate a congestive excitation focus in the brain cortex, which exerted a negative effect on the susceptibility of the nervous system.

The activation (excitation) of the nervous system during moderate hypercapnia is associated with the increased afference from the peripheral receptors, irritated by active metabolites. These metabolites are produced during physical and chemical changes in the organism.

1. The main trigger of atherosclerosis is the reaction of the vessel wall (mainly endothelium) to damage. Another probable reason for the vessel wall damage is its malnutrition, also known as vascular spasm (Vasa vasorum). “Aironic” improves metabolism in all tissues of the organism, including vessel walls, prevents their damage, thinning, and erosion. 2. The damage can be caused by several factors, including high hemodynamic load. The use of “Aironic” helps to decrease this load and, therefore, to prevent hypertonia. 3. The relief of vascular spasm reduces the risk of atherosclerosis plaques development. 4. Moderate hypercapnia activates cholesterol metabolism. 5. Since CO2 is essential for all vital processes, its excessive excretion (due to hyperventilation) triggers different protective mechanisms, including thickening of the vessel walls due to deposition of cholesterol. It induces the development of tissue sclerosis. The use of “Aironic” increases the level of CO2 in the organism, inhibiting the production of cholesterol, which diminishes the risk of atherosclerosis.


The main causes of osteochondrosis are the vascular spasm and the impaired metabolism in the intervertebral discs. The positive effect of “Aironic” is associated with the improvement of blood supply of the osseous and chondral tissue. The usage of “Aironic” helps to prevent the disease and restore metabolic processes in damaged tissues.

The positive effect of “Aironic” in arthrosis is associated with the improvement of blood supply of the osseous and chondral tissues. Synovial fluid has a crucial role in the metabolism of the cartilage and menisci. Normal functioning of joints depends on the quality and the quantity of synovial fluid, produced by the synovial membrane. The quality and the quantity of the synovial fluid depend on the blood supply of the synovial membrane.


Each respiratory exercise with “Aironic” normalizes lungs ventilation, restore natural breathing rhythm and respiratory metabolism. Moreover, “Aironic” prevents excessive mucus/phlegm production, frequently observed in elderly patients or in the case of respiratory infectious diseases. The use of “Aironic” improves the tone of the respiratory muscles (thus, reducing or even eliminating shortness of breath), strengthen the immune system
1. The use of “Aironic” improves blood circulation in the lungs, bronchi, and trachea, affected by the disease. It helps to dilate airways, facilitates mucus production, which eventually prevents coughing and allows cessation of hormonal therapy. 2. The spasm of bronchial smooth muscles is one of protective mechanisms in response to excessive CO2 excretion. The bronchial spasm leads to asphyxiation and shortness of breath. The use of “Aironic” increases the level of CO2 in the organism, which diminishes the risk of chronic bronchitis. 3. Another protective mechanism against excessive CO2 excretion is mucus production in the airways, which causes bronchoconstriction. Regular use of “Aironic” helps to increase the CO2 level, preventing excessive mucus production and helping to clear the bronchi.
1. The use of “Aironic” improves blood circulation in the lungs, bronchi, and trachea, affected by bronchial asthma. It helps to dilate airways, facilitates mucus production, which eventually prevents asthma attacks and allows cessation of hormonal therapy. 2. The spasm of bronchial smooth muscles is one of protective mechanisms in response to excessive CO2 excretion. The bronchial spasm leads to asphyxiation and shortness of breath. The use of “Aironic” increases the level of CO2 in the organism, which diminishes the risk of bronchial asthma. 3. Another protective mechanism against excessive CO2 excretion is mucus production in the airways, which causes bronchoconstriction. Regular use of “Aironic” helps to increase the CO2 level, preventing excessive mucus production and helping to clear the bronchi.
Sufficient amount of carbon dioxide is necessary for maintaining the metabolism and for normal functioning of the endocrine system. Carbon dioxide decreases the viscosity of colloid solutions, which has a positive effect on the metabolism. Cells in a living organism contain a colloid solution that resembles jelly. To maintain biochemical processes inside the cell, it is vital to keep a certain degree of viscosity of this solution. In other words, the solution shouldn’t be too thick. The increase in the thickness of the colloid solutions can be caused by many factors, such as malnutrition, chronic hyperventilation, and hypodinamia. It decreases the velocity of biochemical reactions and promotes the accumulation of poisonous byproducts, salts, carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer). Respiratory exercises help to improve the intracellular metabolism and activate the protective systems of the organism.


The mechanism of “Aironic” action is based on the restoration of the normal CO2 level in the organism. Carbon dioxide affects the permeability of the membranes, thus regulating the excitability of nerve cells. The lack of CO2 has been shown to cause excessive excitability of neurons, whereas moderate hypercapnia after respiratory exercises prevents excessive excitability of nerve cells, ensures nerve stabilization, and gives a relaxing effect.
Respiratory exercises improve tissues oxygen supply and activate metabolic processes, facilitating the excretion of metabolic wastes

The mechanism of “Aironic” action is based on the restoration of the normal CO2 level in the organism. Carbon dioxide affects the permeability of the membranes, thus regulating the excitability of nerve cells. The lack of CO2 has been shown to cause excessive excitability of neurons, whereas moderate hypercapnia after respiratory exercises prevents excessive excitability of nerve cells, ensures nerve stabilization, and gives a relaxing effect. Since constant nervous overexcitement provokes insomnia, regular respiratory exercises help to improve the quality of sleep.